Highschool Australia also offers a program called Work and Travel in Australia. The main focus is on farm work in the rural areas of Australia, but there is also casual work in hospitality, teaching, domestic duties and child minding.
A crucial component of this work and travel program is an intensive training program held on a farm to teach participants the most important skills required on Australian farms. This training includes riding a motorcycle, quad bike and tractor, plus horseback riding, fencing, animal management, workplace safety etc etc. Teaching takes place on a training farm in Queensland, where work and travel participants from all over the world have been trained for casual work in the farming sector for more than twenty years.
Upon completion of this training program, participants can choose from a range of well paid jobs from over 1,800 employers to find what suits them best.
This program not only guarantees work for the entire duration of your work and travel stay, but in most cases also enables you to extend your working holiday visa to two years.
For more detail about HSA’s Work and Travel Program, visit our special website:
and in German: www.work-n-travel-australien.de