Postbox New Zealand

Contact and Enquiry

A high school placement in New Zealand might sound like what dreams are made of, but many people have already made it happen for themselves. Would you like to know how you too can make it happen and, most importantly, which schools are suitable for you? Then simply complete the questionnaire on this page and send it to us. We will give you some specific initial information based on our extensive experience. There is no cost to you, and no obligation. It’s all about your imagination of the future, so enjoy!

Dear Parents, Teachers, Students

Do you have any unanswered questions about high school placements in Australia or New Zealand? Simply write, email or telephone us and we will send you additional information regarding the school system, schools, accommodation or the country in general. We always reply promptly and are happy to call you back.

Our contact details:

Highschool Australia
62 Bryan Street
Sunshine Beach 4567
Queensland Australia
Tel. +61 7 3040 2826
Skype: annestew11

Which schools in New Zealand
would be suitable for me?

(Obligation-free, cost-free enquiry)

Important: Fields marked * must be completed, or your enquiry cannot be sent.

    First name and Family name *

    Email address *

    Telephone number

    Skype ID (if applicable)

    Date of birth (or age) *

    Country of citizenship (Nationality) *

    What Year level are you in and what type of school do you attend?

    When are you planning to start your high school placement in New Zealand?

    Year *


    Start in which month *


    How long would you like to stay? *

    36912more than 12    Months

    What type of school do you have in mind? *

    State SchoolPrivate SchoolPrivate School incl. boarding

    Do you need to take specific subjects while in New Zealand? If so, which subjects?

    Which hobbies/interests would you like to continue to do in New Zealand?

    Which hobbies/interests would you like to try in New Zealand?

    Would you like to live on the coast? *

    yesnodoesn't matter

    What reasons would influence your choice of school/location?

    How and where did you find out about Highschool Australia?


    Other questions:

    We will always answer enquiries as fast as possible. If you have not heard from us after 2 working days, please check your spam folder. It is helpful to also have your tel number in case the email address has accidentally been spelled  incorrectly. It happens quite often.