The following are important points to consider when choosing a school most suitable to your interests and needs:
- Do you need to study or train in certain subjects, languages, sports, or musical instruments during your high school studies in Australia?
- Does your school require you to undertake certain subjects in order to recognise your high school studies in Australia, or for you to progress to the next grade after your return home?
- Are there any subjects you would like to study while here in Australia? At Australian high schools there are exciting topics such as film and TV, marine biology, dance, golf, surfing and much more.
- Do you prefer living in cities or regional towns? On the coast, or inland? In the tropical north or in the temperate south, (with seasons more comparable to Europe)?
- Do you wish to study in a state or private school?
- In order to find out what school suits you best, visit our page The Australian Education System or speak to us at Highschool Australia.
Decision Making
There are two ways to choose the right school:
- Scroll down the page The Schools, and use your mouse to click on each school. Here you can find out about the range of classes and leisure activities at all the schools we offer throughout Australia.
- Complete the Questionnaire. This way we can find out which high school in Australia is best suited for you. We can then discuss your options with you via telephone or email, whichever you prefer.